Where can I study Cosmetology? Are Schools and Colleges the Same Thing?

No matter what they are called, these schools are a place for those who want to work in the beauty field to learn how to perform a variety of services.

These salon schools offer both classroom instruction and an opportunity to have hands on experience with the topics students learn about in their lessons. Participants in training study in the following areas:
  1. Hair care and cutting
  2. Makeup application
  3. Skin care
  4. Nail care

Graduates often choose an area of discipline in which to specialize. For example, a student may want to become a hairdresser, so she may go on to take several more hours of courses in hair care in order to become licensed. Similarly, many students will further delve into makeup in order to improve their airbrush technique if the particular school offers it. Other students may want to keep their experience general, obtaining a general cosmetology certification. This may be really helpful for those who wish to open their own salon and offer a wide range of services. One discipline that isn’t touched upon in most beautician’s training is massage for that it is necessary to go to a massage therapy school.

Most areas have their own places to train as a cosmetologist. However, some students find it difficult to manage working in-person classes into their busy schedules. For those students doing night classes or studying at an online school may be the best option. Students who go with online schooling may have to mail in assignments for their instructors to grade and will need to do some in-school course work.

Regardless of the type of training a student chooses, the coursework serves as preparation for both the licensing process and the student’s future career in the beauty industry.